GREYCORTEX is happy to announce that our GREYCORTEX Mendel network security tool is now part of the Brno University of Technology (VUT) cybersecurity program. Mendel is used as part of the compulsory Bachelor’s course called “Information and Communication Technologies Security 2”, offered in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication specifically the Information Security Program.
The course teaches extended information and communication security knowledge of secure network device configuration, secure configuration testing, and penetration testing. Mendel is used in laboratory exercises as a visualisation tool for various scans, exploits, and other tests practised by students.
VUT is in the top 5 % of world universities, and offers wide range of education programs. The 30 students in the course as well as the Lecturers are happy that Mendel’s advanced security tools are available to them. They were especially interested in Mendel’s intuitive filter and full network visualization. GREYCORTEX is happy to work with the next generation of Security Analysts and to provide the right tools to ready them to participate in the future of network security.
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